Sustainable Beauty

As people are hoarding paper products all around the country I feel it’s important to highlight all of the ways we can minimize our consumption of disposable single use products. I don’t condone fear-based/panic shopping but these one-time purchases could help you minimize your waste now and in the long run. Before I get to the goods, if you aren’t already following Lauren Singer @trashisfortossers I recommend you give her a follow. She is a huge part of the #zerowaste movement, one of Forbes 30 under 30 and CEO of Package Free Shop, a San Francisco and online shop that stocks all of the products I am about to introduce you to.

I will start with cotton rounds/balls. Used to remove makeup, apply toners, clean a boo boo, etc. these single-use drug store staples are an easy swap for a reusable option. Made of 100% organic cotton flannel I use this 20-Pack of Facial Rounds from Marleys Monsters by keeping a clean stack in my medicine cabinet and a cute basket beside my sink. After each use I toss in the basket and wash them all once a week. The same can be done with their Cloth Wipes if you need a little more surface area and are looking to replace your single use face wipes as well. Super easy and they offer cute prints if plain white isn’t your jam.

I can see how this next one might seem a little questionable but hear me out, Reusable Swabs. If the thought of re-using a swab grosses you out - read this stat and reconsider, “nearly 25.5 billion single use swabs are produced and discarded every year in the U.S.” LastSwab by LastObject is a great solution because it lasts for up to 1,000 uses and is easily cleaned with soap and water. It comes in a corn-based carrying case is easy to clean and comes in two versions, one for cleaning and one for makeup. Cool right?! 

Last but certainly not least, a Bio-Degradable Loofah. If you’re still using brightly colored, plastic loofahs in your shower now is the time to switch. Made of 100% plant fiber, these are a great replacement for not only bath loofahs but also for dish brushes and sponges in your kitchen. They are 100% compostable and biodegradable and will decompose within 30 days which is hundreds of years faster then their plastic predecessors not to mention they work better than any plastic alternative I’ve tried. Make the switch!

Keep doing your best, take care of yourself, each other and our planet.